
When it comes to Object/Face detection in an image without using any toolbox or library, there are several approaches you can consider. Here are a few commonly used techniques:

Bench Markdata set: 

Several benchmark algorithms have been widely used for face detection. These benchmarks help evaluate the performance and compare the accuracy of different face detection algorithms. Here are some popular benchmark algorithms for face detection:

These benchmarks provide standardized datasets, evaluation protocols, and performance metrics, enabling researchers and developers to compare and evaluate the performance of face detection algorithms. They are valuable resources for assessing the accuracy and robustness of different face detection approaches.


To find eye landmarks, you can utilize pre-trained models or datasets that provide annotations for eye locations. Here are a few resources where you can find eye landmark annotations:

By using these resources, you can access datasets or pre-trained models that contain eye landmark annotations. You can then use these annotations to train your own eye landmark detection model or utilize them for eye-related tasks such as gaze estimation, eye tracking, or emotion analysis.